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Application Form

There are three membership types


Any person who owns a commercially productive citrus orchard in New Zealand is automatically deemed to be a member. If you produce commercial citrus you must pay a compulsory levy on all fruit sold.

Industry member

Almost anyone that has a demonstrable interest in New Zealand’s citrus industry can be an industry member. Commonly, these are non-producing growers (i.e. citrus orchards that are not yet productive) or those from related industries such as scientists or consultants. Complete the form and pay the $115 annual membership fee.

Corporate members

Companies (that have a demonstrable interest in the New Zealand citrus industry) can apply to become corporate members. These are typically orchard supply companies, packhouses / marketing companies etc. Complete the form and pay the $300 annual membership fee.


    Contact details



    Section A

    Tick all varieties of citrus you produce

    Section B

    Industry and non-producing growers:
    pay the $115 including GST subscription.

    pay the $300 including GST subscription

    Please pay this by either: Direct credit to CNZ's bank account

    BNZ: 02-0500-0674562-00 (last name as reference) or asking us to invoice you.
    Credit cards cannot be accepted.


    As a member of Citrus New Zealand:

    I agree to accept the decision of the Board as to whether I qualify for membership.
    I agree to abide by the rules of CNZ.
    I confirm that the information provided in this application form is true and correct.
    I acknowledge that any information held about me by CNZ may be used by CNZ to enable CNZ to pursue its objectives as set in the society rules.
    I acknowledge that I have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to access and correct any of my information held by CNZ.

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